Womb Care
Womb care is beneficial to women at any stage of life, and is particularly therapeutic during life transitions such as pregnancy and menopause. Our womb and pelvic bowl is the root space of creation and creativity. As women, we often harbor pain, shame, guilt and grief in this space. Womb care addresses physical concerns as well as emotions and rhythms that affect our being. Womb care is helpful for supporting the changing pregnant body and encouraging optimal fetal positioning. As a trained healer and midwife, I cater my care to the individual and approach treatment compassionately. I facilitate and hold space for body, mind and spiritual healing. I integrate Arvigo® Techniques for Maya Abdominal Therapy and Holistic Pelvic Care™ into sessions.
Womb Care is helpful for:
Transitioning to motherhood
Pregnancy support and optimal fetal positioning
Postpartum healing
Cesarean scar and abdominal healing
Pelvic pain
Intimacy and low sexual libido
Recovering from traumatic birth
History of emotional and physical abuse
Fertility and conception
Support and healing after pregnancy loss
Menstrual cycle regulation
Urinary leakage and incontinence
Uterine and bladder prolapse
Enhancing creativity
Post-hysterectomy healing
Transitioning to menopause
Digestive disorders
Pelvic organ congestion
Arvigo® Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy
In Mayan tradition, if a little girl falls, her caregivers take her to a healer to ensure her womb is properly placed. The Maya’s wisdom and recognition of the importance of preventive care the proper placement of abdominal and pelvic organs speaks to this nourishing therapy. ATMAT® is a series of gentle massage techniques that encourage organ alignment and function to enhance health and wellbeing. www.arvigotherapy.com
Holistic Pelvic Care™
Holistic Pelvic Care™ addresses pelvic floor concerns with gentle techniques along with guided breath to aid in the healing and restoration of the pelvic bowl. HPC is especially helpful in healing pain, dysfunction and trauma. HPC was created and taught by Tami Lynn Kent, a women’s health visionary and women’s health physical therapist. Listen to Tami’s TedX - The Vagina Whisperer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK_P0UmpYd8